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Friday, September 10, 2010

Religion An Obstacle to Human Progress by Dr Chandra Sekhar Tiwary

Religion is one to the common elements that virtually all civilizations share. Human civilizations have made relentless progress in the sciences- heliocentrism, relativity, quantum physics, nuclear science, computer technology, genetic engineering but our socio-political ideas and our religious ideas have changed very little.
Religions become a force for peacemaking in the world and the use religion has become a tool to justify violence and no longer be justified in the name of conversion, reform, purification, secularization, property rights, missionary activity, redress of historic grievances, or extirpation of error and because of violence religion is seen by many people as a source of societal discord and injustice that must be place under state control.

Aviation Management Global Perspectives by Dr K C Khurana

Aviation is a dynamic international industry. There is a world-wide industy trend that indicates the need for Aviation Management with higher-level techniques to function effectively in this highly competitive field.
The aviation industry is already reeling from one of the deepest and most sustained business downturns in recent years, but there has been little support from the governments and regulators. The industry as finding the regulations on the industry as burdensome and that it was becoming more apparent now in the period of crisis. This present book deals with all the relevant areas of aviation industry and gives vital information on aviation management.

Terrorism has No Religion by Dr. R.N. Trivedi

Is the new slogan spreading fast and is the proper, much need secularist approach at this time of crisis. Whenever and wherever there is a terror attack happens, the people who execute these gory attacks are Muslims. Some may be cooked up by a foreign nation for a geographical hold or gain. Some may be cooked up by local politicians for the power gain. Some may be cooked up by religious fanatics. Whether it's an international conspiracy or local political conspiracy or religion based one.

Terrorists use various means to justify their violence, even though God's written word does not permit these actions. One glance at the victims of terrorist attacks is living proof that terrorists are nothing but criminals and murderers, and are far from being righteous. Terrorism has no religion. In fact any religion including Islam is against violence and terrorism. Unfortunately terror is sometimes marketed in the name of religion by some wicked people and fools get carried away by their gimmicks. In the interest of making it is necessary that every religious leader and followers of respective religion should be extra vigilant against the blatant misuse of religion for terrorist activities.

Constraint Management by Mayank Chowdhary

Throughput, Operating Expenses and Inventory. Sometimes our constraints aren't merely physical. In many cases they're policies: the laws, regulations, rules or procedures that determine what we can or can't do. Even the way we think can be a constraint to ourselves and our organizations. This book deals on how we can manage organisation's constraints. It shows which reports and metrics to use in a throughput environment. It also gives emphasis on how throughput accounting can be used to find the vest solutions in a large number of real-world situations.

Terrosist Organisations and their Modus Operandi by Vijay Kumar Verma

Modus operandi is used to describe the methods employed by individuals during the execution of a crime. It opens a whole new range of options to the terrorists that were previously considered unthinkable and probably the most troubling of these options is the use of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. Compared to a classical car bomb or suicide attack, the new modus operandi or tactic to attack soft targets, including major landmarks and also kill foreign nationals has the advantage for the terrorists of remaining in the news for a much longer time. It has also a much higher psychological value on the population.
The work examine the constellations of group variables such as group psychologies, group behaviors and structures, ideology, available weaponry and material toward extrapolating how they directly influence group strategic targeting approaches, targeting preferences and attack modus operandi particular to individual groups.

Cyber Rules by Rahul Gupta

This book has created a way of classifying the different types of strategies for e-business and then describes how these straegies can be used in business. Because today's economy demands that e-business initiatives emphasize methods to minimize cost, yet ensure quality.
This book investigates empirically the impact of CRM on corporate success in e-commerce at the firm level. Further it analyzes the implementation process of a customer relationship management (CRM) system in online retailing and the challenges of transforming a product-focused business into a customer-centric organization.

The Evolving Human and the Future World by Pavan Raina

The book is a critical self-analysis by the author that lays emphasis on the growing importance of materialistic possessions over moral values. A comparison is shown between the pre-historic times and the modern day. It tells us that how in the ancient people were more inclined towards building close knit relationships with complete harmony as compared to today when all that seems to be important is money. Over the time as humans had made advancement into scientifically equipped world things has started to change. As the humans has started to evolve so is the future world, things would no longer be the same.